Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pastoral Care On Homosexuality - Part 1


There are many different views on this issue of homosexuality. In fact it is one of the most complex subjects to discuss about. “If we examined the divine intent for sexuality-that we were created to be heterosexual and monogamous.” We are all human beings and made in the image and likeness of God and there is no such phenomenon as “a homosexual.” The reason people become homosexuals because they suffer from sexual identity confusion and something has occurred in the course of their formative years and have damage their natural created heterosexual design like and incomplete or problem family, having bad experience with someone during childhood and the cultural influence can also contribute to someone in becoming a homosexual. Homosexuals do not choose to have a homosexual orientation but because they already have the orientation within them and when they reach puberty and sexual desires arise they will then choose to begin to live a homosexual lifestyle. Every homosexual has a story to tell on how they develop their homosexual orientation.
As pastors, it is important to also give pastoral care to the parents. Gender confusion is also associated with problems includes rejection of their parents, social isolationism, and compensation in a fantasy world.
Successful treatment helps a child to find thier way in a world which is naturally divided into males and females. With the dedicated help of the two most important adults in their life, their mother and their father, the gender-confused can begin to abandon their secret androgynous fantasy and discover the greater satisfaction of joining the gendered world.
As parents, they need to be sure that their interventions with or without a therapist are done gently and affirmatively, but clearly. While discouraging unwanted cross-gender behavior, parents must be sure that the child feels affirmed as a unique individual. This means the child need not be expected to be a "stylized" boy or girl, with nothing but gender-stereotypical interests. There can be a fair amount of gender role crossover but at the same time, healthy androgyny must first be built upon a solid foundation of security in one's original gender.
It is essential that parents always respectfully listen to their child. Don't force them into activities they hate. Don't make them conform to a role that frightens them. Don't shame them into covering up effeminate mannerisms. The process of change must proceed gradually, through a series of steps that are always accompanied by encouragement.

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